The film begins with Peter Quill (Star-Lord) on Morag, an abandoned planet, and he retrieves "the Orb". Thanos sends his troops, as well as a warrior named Ronan, who has his own intentions to use the stone to wipe out all civilization on the planet Xandar, to intercept it from him, but they fail. Thanos sends his daughter Gamora to intercept it from Peter on the planet Xandar, where Peter intends to sell it as a collectible, not knowing what it contains.
However, Gamora and Peter, in addition to Drax, Groot, and Rocket, bring the Orb to The Collector at a black market bazaar on the planet Knowhere. Though Gamora has knowledege of what the Orb contains, the Collector opens it, and his servant grabs it and the explosion destroys the Collector's market. After these events, Ronan arrives at Knowhere and gains possession of the stone. He puts it in his weapon, creating indirect contact with the Stone. After a climatic fight on Xandar, Ronan's weapon is destroyed and Peter grabs the stone bare-handed before it hits the surface. With the combined strength of Peter, Gamora, Drax, and Rocket, the power of the stone is contained, and Peter kills Ronan with it. The film ends with the Power Stone being in possession of the Nova Corps on Xandar, heavily guarded.
Though the scene is not depicted in Infinity War, the Power Stone is introduced at the beginning of the film on a severely damaged refugee ship from the end of 2017's Thor: Ragnarok. It is in this scene that Thanos also obtains the Space Stone from Loki.